Debt collection is a tough field. It takes a robust spirit to see the matter through. Though we have a clear objective, the road is not level and smooth. As there is both money on the table and resistant debtors in the chairs, to be successful, we as collectors need a careful strategy. When approaching each account before the journey even begins, we are reminded of the words of Gene Kranz, the flight director of Apollo 13; “Let’s work the problem, people.”
What is a Good Debt Collection Strategy? Here's How We Do it.
Topics: Collection Strategy, Compliance, Technology, old debt, debt collections, collection agency, how to get out of debt, unpaid debt, accounts receivable, outsourcing, commission rate, revenue, debt settlement, debt collection regulations
From Over-Dunn to Well-Dunn:
A Win-Win Consumer-centric Approach Rooted in Compassionate Communication
Topics: Collection Strategy, Compliance, Technology, old debt, debt collections, collection agency, how to get out of debt, unpaid debt, accounts receivable, outsourcing, commission rate, revenue, recovery rate, debt settlement, Regulation F, debt collection regulations, medical collections, medical debt
When is the Right Time to Hire a Collection Agency
Even though not everyone may have a favorable view of debt collection agencies, the fact is, they perform a vital service that keeps costs down and maintains client relationships. Before you take inventory and decide whether hiring an agency is the right move for your business, consider all the ways in which using collections is the smarter and more efficient move for you and your business.
Topics: Collection Strategy, Compliance, Technology, old debt, debt collections, collection agency, how to get out of debt, unpaid debt, accounts receivable, outsourcing, commission rate, revenue, recovery rate, debt settlement, Regulation F, debt collection regulations, medical collections, medical debt
Have you ever asked yourself, just what exactly does a debt collection service do and how does it work? Well then, you’re in luck! We’ve outlined the most common topics about how agencies operate, why we need them, to the evolution and future of the debt collection industry.
Topics: Collection Strategy, Compliance, Technology, old debt, debt collections, collection agency, how to get out of debt, unpaid debt, accounts receivable, outsourcing, commission rate, revenue, recovery rate, debt settlement, Regulation F, debt collection regulations, medical collections, medical debt
Recovery Rate vs. Commission Rate in Debt Collections
According to, recovery rate is defined as the extent to which principal and accrued interest on defaulted debt can be recovered, expressed as a percentage of face value.
Topics: Insider, Collection Strategy, debt collections, collection agency, accounts receivable, commission rate, revenue, recovery rate